• (disco) in reply to CarrieVS
    What PJH means is, GMT is always the same time.
    What _**I**\_ mean is, not all people realize that.
  • (disco) in reply to CarrieVS

    What Gaska means is that ignorant people don't know that fact, and that those ignorant people believe that gmt itself changes in summer. The reading comprehension here is shocking (the pedantry: predictable, though in this case misguided).


  • (disco) in reply to CarrieVS
    What PJH means is, GMT is always the same time.

    Well more devs need to learn about this. There's loads of software that will always show my timezone as GMT+1, regardless of DST.

    Or just use proper fucking libraries to handle it instead of faffing about it themselves.

  • (disco) in reply to PJH
    It turns into BST.

    Brazilian Standard Time?

  • (disco) in reply to dkf

    Yes. :neutral_face:

  • (disco) in reply to Buddy

    Yes I can see that's what @Gaska is saying now.

    What we were both responding to is the post where (s)he said that there was no difference between GMT+8 and UTC+8 because it's winter. Perhaps (s)he would like to explain what they meant by implying winter or summer has anything to do with it if they know that it doesn't change.

  • (disco) in reply to CarrieVS
    Perhaps (s)he would like to explain what they meant by implying winter or summer has anything to do with it if they know that it doesn't change.

    Oh, right, I see that now. Probably something like:

    There's loads of software that will always show my timezone as GMT+1, regardless of DST.
  • (disco)

    Aren't Russian special forces called ОМОН? Doesn't look too well when you're near any mirrors...

    The sole fact that you heard about BST makes you non-ignorant in this case.

    So what you were doing was calling out the shoulder aliens who believe GMT is British time in general. Okay, gotcha.

  • (disco) in reply to CarrieVS
    What we were both responding to is the post where (s)he said that there was no difference between GMT+8 and UTC+8 because it's winter.
    Since your pedantic dickweedery ignores the fact that it was a joke, I will be a pedantic dickweed too and point out that, except for post #44 by spadgas, you were all replying to the posts where I clarified that I meant GMT as the ignorants understand it - ie. whatever the time is now in London.
    Perhaps (s)he would like to explain what they meant by implying winter or summer has anything to do with it if they know that it doesn't change.
    I spent four posts doing just that.
  • (disco) in reply to da_Doctah
    This inspired a trivia question that I contributed a few years ago to a Usenet quiz.

    And to which you're not posting an answer to spite us all.

  • (disco) in reply to Maciejasjmj
    So what you were doing was calling out the shoulder aliens who believe GMT is British time in general. Okay, gotcha.
    Yep. I was so annoyed by those aliens when I tried to agree on internet meeting with guys in western US that one time. Not only they used PST instead of PDT, but also when I asked them for UTC offset, they gave me GMT offset instead, and got it wrong (because they didn't compensate for DST). Since that day, I was supporter of single timezone for whole world.
  • (disco) in reply to Gaska
    when I asked them for UTC offset, they gave me GMT offset instead

    Wha... huh? Those are the same thing unless you're very concerned about leap seconds. Are you sure you're not the shoulder alien yourself?

  • (disco) in reply to dkf
    Brazilian Standard Time?

    Brazilian Shaving Treat

  • (disco) in reply to Gaska
    the posts where I clarified that I meant GMT as the ignorants understand it - ie. whatever the time is now in London

    For ignorant people who don't know what a timezone really is

    This is kind of ambiguous. I (and I assume others from the way the thread went) read it as "for the benefit of ignorant people, like you idiots" A better wording would have been "To ignorant people..."

  • (disco) in reply to Gaska
    it was a joke
    That fact was not obvious. Possibly Poe's law is in effect.
    I will be a ... dickweed
    I will ... point out that, except for post #44 by spadgas, you were all replying to the posts where I clarified that I meant GMT as the ignorants understand it
    I was replying to this one:
    For ignorant people who don't know what a timezone really is (which is majority of people worldwide), GMT fast forwards one hour.
    which also appears to mean that (to your knowledge) GMT changed in summer, and that you believe the people who've told you otherwise to be ignorant. Given what you've said since I take it that what you meant by 'For ignorant people' was 'in the minds of ignorant people' rather than 'this explanation is for the benefit of ignorant people', but that was hardly evident.
    [I am in favour of using the singular they]
    So am I. You'll note that in the same post you were responding to I did, twice. I tend not to be so pedantically unbending as to insist on using it *exclusively* because I find it can get confusing to do so in a discussion that refers to multiple people, and besides it makes a sentence read awkwardly if you repeat the same phrasing four times, so if there's a perfectly acceptable alternative I will generally switch between the two.
    I spent four posts [explaining what I meant].
    Three posts yelling at people who'd told you that what you'd said was wrong and calling them trolls (because the fact that three different people took it at face value didn't suggest that maybe it wasn't clear to everyone that it was a joke) instead of saying 'I know, I was joking', and the one I quoted above.
  • (disco) in reply to Jaloopa
    A better wording would have been "To ignorant people..."
    Here shows my lack of understanding of English language - I always thought those two words mean the same thing, the difference being that there are some grammar rules that say that in some grammar situations, one of them is wrong to use.
  • (disco) in reply to CarrieVS
    Given what you've said since I take it that what you meant by 'For ignorant people' was 'in the minds of ignorant people' rather than 'this explanation is for the benefit of ignorant people', but that was hardly evident.
    Copy-paste my post above. I apologize for the confusion I caused by using the wrong word.
  • (disco) in reply to Gaska

    For could mean the same as to in this context, it's perfectly correct grammar. It's just that it could also have other meanings, and at least some of us read it as the wrong one. It's tricky in text-based discussion and when you know what you mean it seems obvious: happens to me all the time. Sorry for losing my temper in response.

  • (disco) in reply to Gaska
    I apologize for the confusion I caused by using the wrong word
    Sorry for losing my temper in response.

    (Both of) you must be new here

  • (disco) in reply to CarrieVS
    [I am in favour of using the singular they]
    False. I'm in favor of default he. I posted that xkcd comic only to post an xkcd comic.
    Three posts yelling at people who'd told you that what you'd said was wrong and calling them trolls (because the fact that three different people took it at face value didn't suggest that maybe it wasn't clear to everyone that it was a joke) instead of saying 'I know, I was joking', and the one I quoted above.
    I've written those posts under assumption that you deliberately ignore the part where I say that people who think GMT moves back and forth are ignorants, which meant that I don't think so myself. Turns out you read it as if I was thinking you're all ignorants. I didn't mean it at all.
    For could mean the same as to in this context, it's perfectly correct grammar.
    Which makes it even worse.
    you must be new here
    No. I just like being myself - someone who hates everything but can admire good parts of things he hates, who overuses sarcasm and overexaggeration, and who can admit he's wrong when someone shows he's wrong (but not earlier). I tried adapting different personalities before on various forums, but it didn't feel right. My usual self is crazy enough for this forum anyway.
  • (disco) in reply to Gaska
    someone who hates everything
    who overuses sarcasm and overexaggeration


  • (disco) in reply to aliceif
    @blakeyrat doesn't hate absolutely everything like me, and doesn't see good parts in things he hates. And I don't write posts in all caps and don't randomly insult people.
  • (disco) in reply to Gaska

    Yes. That's why I said blakeylite. Less blakey than blakeyrat.

  • (disco) in reply to aliceif

    I think those are important enough differences (especially the first sentence) you can't say I'm his milder version at all. It would be like saying C++ is almost like Haskell.

  • (disco) in reply to Gaska

    Well, ok. You are nothing like him at all.

  • (disco) in reply to aliceif

    Thank you :)

  • (disco) in reply to Gaska
    I posted that xkcd comic only to post an xkcd comic.

    By posting a Dinosaur Comic

  • (disco) in reply to Gaska
    False. I'm in favor of default he.
    I can agree with that too, but enough people on the internet would be offended by it if they turned out to be female that I try to avoid it.
    you must be new here
    Somewhat. I'm used to a forum that's a bit more cuddly, though just as crazy. I do know you guys have a culture of a different snark, but I choose not to join in. You guys should just be grateful I've exercised restraint with regard to my persona - the culture over there is that in-character is just fine, and cyborg ninja cats bite ankles when provoked. With titanium teeth.
  • (disco) in reply to Gaska
    Thank you

    As in, "he's occasionally funny".

  • (disco) in reply to CarrieVS
    By posting a Dinosaur Comic
    I can agree with that too, but enough people on the internet would be offended by it if they turned out to be female that I try to avoid it.
    Same here.
    As in, "he's occasionally funny".
    But he has a bad rep. I don't want to be associated with him.
  • (disco) in reply to CarrieVS
    cyborg ninja cats bite

    Plenty of that here, courtesy of @accalia. Some are fans of it, others are me and Blakey.

  • (disco) in reply to Maciejasjmj
    Plenty of that here, courtesy of accalia
    Never seen anything approaching the sort of in-character shenanigans we'd think a day frightfully dull without on TCS, and believe me, I look out for it because if anyone did I should join in.
  • (disco) in reply to CarrieVS

    Must be the first time we're the ones to represent sanity.

    Have they considered moving to Discourse, by the way?

  • (disco) in reply to Maciejasjmj
    Must be the first time we're the ones to represent sanity.
    Have you ever been to Side Bar WTF section? It's *all* about others being insane.
  • (disco) in reply to Maciejasjmj
    Have they considered moving to Discourse, by the way?

    I think Avi would have a BSOD if anyone suggested it. (Our back-end admin/developer, since w00 went mad with power and tried to take over the [s]world[/s] forum.)

  • (disco) in reply to CarrieVS
    Never seen anything approaching the sort of in-character shenanigans we'd think a day frightfully dull without on TCS

    /me perks up in interest

    and believe me, I look out for it because if anyone did I should join in.

    You, my dear fluffy kitty ninja have my full and undivided attention.

    for the next fifteen seconds at least.

  • (disco)
    (For the record I am of Huguenot descent on my mother's side and French is my second language. I don't hate the French in any shape or form....)
    The first part of that isn't so uncommon - a whole bunch (wikip says 50 000) of Huguenots moved from France to England in the early 18th Century, and many, many more (wikip suggests around a half million) moved to other Protestant European countries and also to North America around that time - and if you have a Huguenot ancestor, it's (approximately speaking) 50% likely to be on your mother's side (like my Huguenot ancestors are).

    Similarly, French as a second language isn't that rare. Heck, even I can manage that, which is good, because I work in a French company in northern France, and the everyday business of the office is in French. (That said, for no adequately explained reason, the mostly(1) French-developed codebase has a 100% English variables/comments rule.)

    (1) "Mostly" because I wrote some of it, and I'm not French.

  • (disco) in reply to accalia
    You, my dear fluffy kitty ninja

    *Bites Accalia's ankles*

    Not fluffy. Think Crying Wolf from Metal Gear, but feline.

  • (disco) in reply to CarrieVS

    /me turns out to have been wearing fox sized steel greaves

    i'm afraid you have the advantage of me. I have not played Metal Gear so i don't know who this Crying Wolf is...

  • (disco) in reply to accalia
    i don't know who this Crying Wolf is...
  • (disco) in reply to accalia

    /me cut her titanium teeth on Ambi's spiked steel greaves.

    http://metalgear.wikia.com/wiki/Crying_Wolf Funnily enough I've not played it either. It's a long story.

  • (disco) in reply to CarrieVS

    see? it's not nice to bite without asking if it's okay first.

    you're lucky that i wasn't wearing my battle greaves today. the spikes on that set are poisoned.


    Filed under: we should probably break thread if we want to continue... this is rather off topic and this is an Article.

  • (disco) in reply to accalia
    the spikes on that set are poisoned
    Were. I put them in washing machine this morning.
  • (disco) in reply to accalia
    /me perks up in interest

    Uh oh...that could spell the end of the spoon streak.

  • (disco) in reply to Steve_The_Cynic
    That said, for no adequately explained reason, the mostly(1) French-developed codebase has a 100% English variables/comments rule.

    Neither I nor my company work with anyone whose native tongue is English. And our entire codebase is in English.

    I don't think it's that weird. Most (all) programming languages use keyword names taken from English, and much of the terminology uses English words. Naming your variables in English, to me, is just an extension to that. What would you rather have (ignoring understanding words themselves):

    for(brojac = 0; brojac < granica; ++brojac) or for(counter = 0; counter < limit; ++counter) ?

  • (disco) in reply to boomzilla
    Uh oh...that could spell the end of the spoon streak.

    -shrug- if someone wishes to take the spoon from me they are welcome to. they know how to earn it.


  • (disco) in reply to Onyx

    Plus, it comes in very handy when your job is finally exported to Outsourcistan. (I similarly work at a French company with a code-in-English rule)

  • (disco) in reply to Onyx
    for (brojač = 0; brojač < granica; ++brojač)
  • (disco) in reply to Gaska

    While correct, not even I am insane enough to try and cram all those moon characters in my source. What's next, digraphs?

    Also, more possibilities for CDO when you find someone who consistently uses č and ć wrong.

  • (disco) in reply to Onyx
    What's next, digraphs?
    Trigraphs are better ;??)
    Also, more possibilities for CDO when you find someone who consistently uses č and ć wrong
    Iunno. I just googled brojac and copied over first result.

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