Attributed to Malice
by Lorne Kates
in Feature Articles
on 2011-04-01
Sometime around midnight...
Lorne: And so another April 2nd begins. Hope you enjoyed all three articles this April 1st. What, three of them? Yup. I guess you're one of the, like, 3 people who didn't figure out by hacking the site / clicking View Source.
All three articles are now display:block for your viewing pleasure. Thanks to Alex for throwing his sabos into the "RSS Factory", and for letting me indulge in a bit of mischief. Half the fun was trying to subvert the article system. The other half was researching wood-analogs for human bone. (I'm a writer. I really like research. It's like constructive procrastination).
For the record, two of the three articles are fakes. The screen shot is not from a real blade sharpening system, and no one had their dev servers bombed as "a test".
That bit of php, though? Paraphrased nearly line-for-line from a system I worked on once. Oh, memories. Painful, painful memories.
- Lorne, April 1, 2011
(PS: Svengali is real, and his show is better than Cats. You should go see it, again and again.)
Today's storystories comes to us from Svengali: