Recent Error'd

Error'd features fun error messages and other visual oddities from the world of IT.

Dec 2023


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Unpacking from the pre-Christmas rush, as you might imagine our readers were running into all kind of fun with packages and delivery and time warps. But first, proof that time warps also afflict even web sites that ship only bits, not boxes.

Jonathan B. wondered "What day IS it today?" when faced with this article.

I Sleigh Me

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Counting down to the end of the year, in prep for some holiday or other, here are your penultimate five Error'ds for 2023. I wonder if Debbie ever was a real person.

First, Dr. Drk S. has some odd network behavior to share. "Sometimes inexplicable things happen in the cloud. Sometimes you get alerts that just go away. Sometimes you detect curious network traffic patterns. Sometimes it all averages out to nothing."

500 Miles

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Strictly speaking, closer to 700 miles than 500, but if we really cared about precision we'd just go insaner.

Peripatetic Jonathan calls out an inappropriate use of lexical sort, as he wryly suggests he'd be "Just popping over quickly to the nearby store which is 1200km away from me." But he entirely missed also calling out the odd location of the Pargo Greatlinks cafe. We've got you covered, Jonathan.

(Almost) Nought but Nulls

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For this week, it's mostly nulls. But first, Finn Sami provides a provocative hint that the LLMs might be developing a theory of other minds. Says Sami: "A coworker noted that when Copilot starts to have doubts about Bing, this might be the real start of AGI." I've certainly got my doubts about some of the Alleged GIs around.


A Brand New Bag!

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We've all been watching programming gaffes come and go, and they're almost always some variation on a set of usual themes I've been trying to classify and name. But today, we've got one for you that is amazingly, excitingly, fabulously novel! I'm calling this one ecrash unless somebody's got a better idea.

Not to keep you waiting any longer than absolutely necessary, here's Ian M. with this week's winner: "I don't even know how you do search like this, it's somehow both way more complicated and way more unsettling then it needs to be."